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Automotive industry

The automotive market is the second largest industry branch in Poland. The automotive industry now faces challenges relating to market dynamics and growing consumer expectations. Fewer and fewer customers focus on the car alone, as additional functions and accompanying technologies become the principal criterion of advantage. This means that automotive companies increase their research and development budgets as each of them wants to remain competitive, they introduce innovations in their products and processes.


ABR SESTA helps them achieve such goals. We have long-term experience in cooperation with car manufacturers, dealers, garage stations and automotive shops. We offer solutions for manufacturers of spare parts and car accessories, car rentals, dealerships, and transport companies.


We analyse the automotive market and its potential, as well as the demand for specific products and services, thus minimising investment risk. We will assist you in effectively reaching your customers by surveying their needs and habits. We verify customer service standards of car dealers and garagists, indicating areas for development, which not only increases customer satisfaction but also staff competence. We are open to cooperate with the market of delivery vehicles, lorries, single-track vehicles, or buses.

Join our satisfied customers. Ask what we can do for your business.

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